What is a Projector File?

Last updated on September 28th, 2022 at 12:55 pm

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Have you been shopping for sewing patterns and noticed that many companies are offering “projector files” in addition to print-at-home and A0 sized files? You may be wondering what a projector file is and how is it different that other versions of the sewing pattern.

A projector file for sewing patterns is a file that is optimized to use when projecting a pattern for cutting using a projector. A good projector file has all of the pattern pieces on one large PDF page and includes margins for scrolling.

It will also have size layers that can be turned on and off. A projector file should also have all pattern pieces oriented so the grainlines are all going the same direction. Thick lines and legible font sizes are also good features in projector files.

The best projector files are created with all pieces “unfolded” and a line for any center folds.

Projector files can be read on the computer using a PDF reader. The preferred program for sewing with projectors is Adobe Reader DC, a free program.

Looking for free projector files to get started? Or try out our list of pattern companies offering projector files.

Can I print a Projector File at home?

No, projector file formats are not made to print. They can often be larger than A0 copy shop print formats and cannot even be printed at specialty shops to accurate scale.

A0 copy shop files are made to be printed at places that offer large printing. It can be expensive, but allows you to not need to tape or glue pattern pieces together. Sometimes an entire pattern cannot fit on one A0 size file and you will still have 2 pages in this format.

This is another reason why projector files are preferred for those using a projector to sew.

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